Saturday, October 22, 2011

Autumn in the Backyard

All photos are copyrighted sstaas. All rights reserved.

Here in the suburbs the backyards are just covered in leaves. Fortunately, we can dump the leaves out in the woods. Yeah! However, since the woods are so close it does mean that we get even more leaves.

Who's going to be blowing the leaves away?! Ready? Just take a big inhale then blow as hard as you can.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Five Reasons You Know You're Ready for the Fall

Are you ready for the Fall? I am. It's my favourite season. I love the colours and I love the cooler temperatures, and I also love using the oven again.

Want to know if you're also ready for the Autumn? If you answer 'yes' to at least one of the following, then you're absolutely ready!

1. You just picked up your first leaf of the season and got teary-eyed.

2. You put away your summer clothes and got out some nice cosy ones.

3. You're already eyeing the storage bins in the garage that contain Christmas lights.

4. You feel that this will definitely be the year you're finally going to dress up at Halloween.

5. You've already eaten a bag of Halloween candy and there are still weeks to go before Trick or Treat Day!

Who Needs a Scarecrow?!

Bet you can't guess what's in the picture above! Not only that, bet you can't imagine why I'd place CDs underneath the deck!

I read in a magazine that hanging CDs will keep birds away. Actually, even aluminum foil might work as well.

And why would I want to keep the birds away? Several months ago we had a nest at the side of the deck. Any time we'd go by the nest the male bird would come swooping down on us. After the babies had flown off I removed the nest and container it was in. Did that do the trick? Nope. Not long after, another bird, or maybe the same one, built a nest underneath the deck.

So far so good! The wobbly CDs are preventing birds from building nests! Yeah!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Baby Deer -Who's the Culprit?

I wonder who's been gobbling up on my plants?! I had many hostas and impatiens out back. All gone. Gobbledy gobbled up.

Who's this cute little guy? Where's his mama?

I don't REALLY mind that he ate up my plants. He seemed lonely and awfully hungry. I hope he got more food wherever he ended up next. It's not his fault that he needs food.